Sunday, January 07, 2007

Mission Statement:

This blog is a space for the overheard, the openly shared, and the anonymously gathered drama of the observed human condition that percolates throughout the thousands of cafés, bistros, hash houses, tearooms, and bastions of caffeine connoisseurs that speckle our globe. Coffee culture is our business, and in a coffee shop everyone's drama is our cup of, uh, tea?

This blog is NOT a space for the ranting and ravings of the anti-establishment individuals who think the rise of corporate coffee embodies all that is wrong with American capitalism and global hegemony. Take those thoughts, which I’m sure you have carefully punctuated with a quad-venti quantity of expletives, to such fine fora that a simple Googling will yield.

As such, swing by your coffee shop of choice, order up your favorite Arabica variation, listen intently to the goings on around you, log on, and report. If you’d like to contribute please send an e-mail to:

“The powers of a man’s mind are directly proportional to the quantity of coffee he drinks.” - Sir James MacKintosh (1765-1832)

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